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Thomas Kinkade

Morning Light Lake Artist's Proof on Canvas

Price:  $1640
Item#:  99640

product details
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image Size:
36 x 24 in.
Artist's Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Artist Proof Canvas is issued in a small edition. Artist Proofs are individually hand-highlighted and are designated with the letters A/P during the numbering process.

Days spent at a special hideaway on the lake are always filled with special memories a€' watching the sun slide up over the horizon, stretching lazy fingers of light to illuminate the clouds and, in turn tranquil water.

In Morning Light Lake scene is set for that magical moment when the day is new and bright with possibility. Surrounded by the beauty of the Great Outdoors a€' mountains soaring in the distance cozy cabin nearby and a fishing boat waiting at the dock a€' everything feels right with the world.

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