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Thomas Kinkade

West Rim, Yosemite SN Canvas

Price:  $795
Item#:  97391

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24 x 20 in.
SN Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Standard Numbered Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and numbered with the designation of S/N in the numbering process.

Thomas Kinkade was a great outdoorsman. He grew up in the golden foothills of Northern California's Sierra Nevada Mountains and throughout his life he returned to this picturesque mountain range to paint.Over the course of his prolific career, Thom was deemed an Official Artist of the National Park Service and circled back to one of his favorites themes - nature and the great outdoors.

In West Rim, Yosemite Thom painted Yosemite Valley's El Capitan with its sheer cliffs and fertile valley below. Thom captured the enormity of El Capitan and the vast shadows it cast on the gentle valley at its base. As Bridalveil Falls pours lightly over the cliffs trail meanders up the valley below.

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