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Thomas Kinkade

Sailing Day SN Canvas

Price:  $765
Item#:  96268

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image Size:
20 x 16 in.
SN Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Standard Numbered Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and numbered with the designation of S/N in the numbering process.

As a young man I often felt the urge to paint in the manner of the French Impressionist masters through my alter-ego, Robert Girrard.

The subject for Sailing Day has been captured many times by Manet or Pissaro, both of whom seemed transfixed by the effects of light dancing upon the water.

In my persona as Robert Girrard I celebrate the language of nature at its most joyful. Every artist knows that nature has many moods, but I am frequently happiest whens in Sailing Day, God's green earth invites me to put on my beret and share the inspiring passion of the moment.

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