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Thomas Kinkade

Holiday at Central Park Gallery Proof on Canvas

Price:  $820
Item#:  94030

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image Size:
16 x 12 in.
Gallery Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Gallery Proof Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and can be distinguished by the unique gold foil Remarque stamped onto the image. Gallery Proofs are designated with letters G/P during the numbering process.

I love visiting Central Park...it truly is a focal point of beauty, natural harmonynd showcase for the people of New York.

Central Park is an amazing focal point for New York City. People of all cultures and backgrounds enjoy its natural setting nestled deep within the walls of this iconic city. The holiday season adds a special charm to the park as holiday lights illuminate the snow dusted ground and chilled winding creek. In the background Plaza Hotel stoically braves the winter air. A stone's throw away the merchants of Fifth Avenue ply their holiday goods as New Yorkers hurry to complete their holiday preparations. In every sense city is in full celebration.

I love visiting Central Park...it truly is a focal point of beauty, natural harmonynd showcase for the people of New York.

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