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Thomas Kinkade

Christmas Gate Gallery Proof on Canvas

Price:  $940
Item#:  91987

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image Size:
20 x 16 in.
Gallery Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Gallery Proof Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and can be distinguished by the unique gold foil Remarque stamped onto the image. Gallery Proofs are designated with letters G/P during the numbering process.

Behind the beautiful Christmas Gate adorned with a holiday wreath and two luminaries gently cascading light across the snow-dusted ground, is a home preparing for the joy of Christmas. Every visitor to this year's festivities will pass through this gate as its presence reminds them to leave the busyness of life behind and focus on the joy awaiting them inside. In a very real sense, this gate is a local herald beckoning passers to focus on the message of the season.

I trust that this gate will speak to you as profoundly as it does to me'behind its strong gate is a home where memories are in the making and where love abounds.

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