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Thomas Kinkade

Central Park in the Fall Gallery Proof on Canvas

Price:  $2120
Item#:  91764

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image Size:
40 x 32 in.
Gallery Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Gallery Proof Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and can be distinguished by the unique gold foil Remarque stamped onto the image. Gallery Proofs are designated with letters G/P during the numbering process.

Autumn is a beautiful time of year in the citynd I love visiting the park during this season. The oranges and reds created by nature are so vibrant and beautiful. These colors, imposed over the canvas like a backdrop of the city, create a breathtaking setting... one that is further enhanced with the sweet aroma of warm honey-roasted nuts wafting through the evening chill. Central Park is truly a magical place where nature and the character of New York combine in serene harmony. It's a place where a quick cab ride lets you escape the big city and immerse yourself in nature's brilliant color palette. True to New York formre is no place quite like Central Park in the fall.

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