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Thomas Kinkade

Reflections of Family Estate Edition on Canvas

Price:  $2020
Item#:  100908

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18 x 12 in.
Estate Edition on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Estate Edition is an extremely limited edition created with a textured process. It is then finished by a Master Highlighter with additional highlighting and a special hand sketched Remarque is applied to the verso side of the canvas. Each Estate Edition is designated by letter E/E during the numbering process.

Reflections of Faith first painting in the Places of Reflection series, captured a vibrant spring morning with many man-made elements set in nature - a cobblestone walkway, stone stepsn ornate fountain benchnd a rock bridge, creating an outdoor sanctuary a€' a place designed to help us step away from the busyness of our lives and to pray. Here we find our identity with the true Creator.

Reflections of Family second painting in the collection, is the next destination on this prayerful journey. Like this piece, when we venture deeper into our relationship with God, we find that we often leave behind the many comforts of the tamed landscape. The cobblestone walkway ends, yielding a steeper and more narrow pathnd the quiet peace is replaced with the sounds of rushing water, splashing the rocks. What does remain the same is an inspiring place of prayer. Here in this beautiful setting we can picture the native-stone bench quietly edging out from the tall grass, whispering an invitation to a more solitary place.

This painting is filled with many natural symbols of family a€' such as the deer, eagles, bunnies and other beautiful wildlife. It is meant to provide a stunning point of prayer in your home a€' a place to reflect on your most cherished blessings - your children, parentsnd dearest loved ones.

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