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Geoff Hunt

Fireships on the Hudson Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $600
Item#:  61152

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27 x 20 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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6 - 8 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
In 1979, Geoff Hunt sold his home and sailed the Mediterranean for one year. Since his return, Geoff has dedicated himself to his lifelong passion for marine painting. From 1966-70, Geoff studied graphic design at Kingston and Epsom Schools of Art. He then worked for two years in advertising before becoming a freelance artist and designer. When Geoff worked in marine publishing as the Warship Journal's art editor from 1977-79, he acquired a love for maritime history and the historical research that is such a remarkable feature of his work. Geoff is best known for painting the covers of Patrick O'Brian's epic naval fiction series, the Aubrey-Maturin adventures. He has also created cover illustrations for the Thomas Paine Kydd naval fiction series by Julian Stockwin. His work is represented in public and private collections worldwide, including the Royal Navy Museum and Royal Navy Submarine Museum. Geoff is currently president of the Royal Society of Marine Artists and has been a member and trustee since 1992. He also exhibits in galleries in Knightsbridge, London, Lymington, Hampshire and New York, as well as at the Maritime Gallery at Mystic Seaport, where he won the Rudolph J. Schaefer Maritime Heritage Award in 2005.

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    Geoff Hunt

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