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Anne Rushout

Sir Alfred James Munnings

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Sir Alfred James Munnings Biography:
Sir Alfred J. Munnings (1878-1959) was born in Mendham, Suffolk, eastern England. He was apprenticed to a lithography company in Norwich, Norfolk, attending art school in the evenings. There he learned how to use oil-paints and dreamed of a career painting his favourite animals: horses. But to begin with he was better known for his landscapes and scenes of rural life. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1898, when he was just twenty. He lost the sight in one eye in an accident the following year but did not allow this to affect his art, prints and posters.  >>click here for more
Sir Alfred James Munnings In The Saddling Paddock, March Meet, Cheltenham

S. Munnings

In The Saddling Paddock, ...


image: 32 x 20 in.
paper: 36 x 24 in.

Limited Edition of 1880
Sir Alfred James Munnings My Wife, My Horse And Myself

S. Munnings

My Wife, My Horse And Mys...


image: 20 x 16 in.
paper: 24 x 20 in.

Limited Edition of 1880