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Thomas Alden

Marcel Duchamp

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Marcel Duchamp Biography:
Marcel Duchamp, born in Blainville, France, became a painter and sculptor who was part of the early 20th-century Dada movement that blurred the boundaries between these two aspects of fine art. In league with Max Ernst, Francis Picabia, Hans Arp, Man Ray, and Kurt Schwitters, Duchamp held to the Dada credo that "everything the artist spits out is art'. Duchamp made his first big impression in the American art scene with his entry of "Nude Descending the Staircase' at the 1913 Armory Show in New York. This event was the first organized exhibition in the United States that included avant-garde art, prints and posters from Europe, and the biggest French names were Picasso and Braque. However, Duchamp, and the Dada artists, received the most advance publicity of the French entries, because the press built it up "as a family of avant-garde artists; pictures of them in their garden at Puteaux were the only photographs of contemporary European artist distributed by the Association'.  >>click here for more
Marcel Duchamp Fountain

Marcel Duchamp


Offset Lithograph

image: 15 x 22 in.
paper: 23 x 33 in.

Open Edition