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Elizabeth Allyn

Dion Salvador Lloyd

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Dion Salvador Lloyd Biography:
Dion Salvador Lloyd is a self-taught artist and, coming from an artistic family, was surrounded by art from an early age, hence his middle name. As well as his creative passion for music, he found self-expression through painting. On failing 'O' level art, a 14 year sabbatical ensued, after which time he resumed painting art, prints and posters, with a fresh outlook and new ideas. During his sabbatical Dion found himself sitting on a beach in Turkey contemplating. A few months earlier he had lost all he owned in a fire and was now disillusioned by his career in catering. He sat looking out over the sea, with a burning homesickness inside; he felt he had nowhere to go and no home to return to. That day he made a promise to himself that when he found a home and place to settle that he would paint, feeling that there was something inside him that needed to be explored and expressed through that medium.  >>click here for more
Dion Salvador Lloyd Golden Wonders

Dion Salvador Lloyd

Golden Wonders

image: 21.25 x 28.25 in.
paper: 23.5 x 31.5 in.

Open Edition
Dion Salvador Lloyd Ray Of Light

Dion Salvador Lloyd

Ray Of Light

image: 19.75 x 27.5 in.
paper: 23.5 x 31.5 in.

Open Edition
Dion Salvador Lloyd Sandbank

Dion Salvador Lloyd


image: 19.75 x 27.5 in.
paper: 23.5 x 31.5 in.

Open Edition
Dion Salvador Lloyd Storm Breaking

Dion Salvador Lloyd

Storm Breaking

image: 21.25 x 28.25 in.
paper: 23.5 x 31.5 in.

Open Edition
Dion Salvador Lloyd Storm Breaking

Dion Salvador Lloyd

Storm Breaking

image: 13.5 x 17.5 in.
paper: 15.75 x 19.75 in.

Open Edition