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Nita Engle

Lynann Colligan

Nita Engle

Artist Biography

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Nita Engle

Nita Engle, one of America's foremost watercolor artists, is well-known for her watercolor landscapes that are a visual remedy for incurable wanderlust. Her art, prints and posters range from Africa to Alaska, from Thailand and Tahiti to Italy, and from Indonesia to her home on the shores of Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Her unique watercolor technique has been developed through experimentation. Engle says, "The exciting thing about painting in watercolor is that it moves on the paper, unlike oil."

Engle attended the Art Institute of Chicago for four years with affiliated study at Northern Michigan University and Roosevelt University. She was employed as an art director of a Chicago ad agency before becoming a full-time illustrator in watercolor for major publications, for everything she says, "From Reader's Digest to Playboy."

In 1997, Engle was inducted into U.S. ART's Hall of Fame. A member of the American Watercolor Society since 1969, she has been a frequent exhibitor, winning several awards for her art, prints and posters. The natural beauty of the wilderness, especially the North Country, presents a continual challenge to Engle, who feels that one lifetime is not enough to accomplish all she hopes to achieve. "There is so little wilderness left; we are surrounded by pavement. My goal is to take you into the landscape through my painting."

Nita Engle Art, Prints and Posters Collection