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Thomas Kinkade

Seaside Hideaway Gallery Proof on Canvas

Price:  $1640
Item#:  96328

product details
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image Size:
34 x 25.5 in.
Gallery Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Gallery Proof Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and can be distinguished by the unique gold foil Remarque stamped onto the image. Gallery Proofs are designated with letters G/P during the numbering process.

Seaside Hideaway evokes the mood of rapture we feel at such times. This is a glorious sunset; spray from the breaking waves drenches the air with mistnd a radiant light bathes clouds and swells with its golden glow, until the eye can scarcely tell where sky ends and sea begins. The towering, wispy clouds resemble angels in the searchlight of God's grace; gulls fly up toward the heavenly light.

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