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Thomas Kinkade

Light of Hope Publisher's Proof on Paper

Price:  $320
Item#:  94466

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27 x 18 in.
Publisher's Proof on Paper
Numbered Limited Edition
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6 - 8 days plus transit time
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about this piece
The Publisher Proof Paper is a very small edition available at the discretion of the Publisher. Numbered and are designated PP during the numbering process.

The lighthouse is a powerful symbol that has been consistently used in the artwork of Thomas Kinkade.In practical definition these structures are beacons built to safely steer ships and their crew clear of danger during raging storms or in the darkness of night.As the spiritual metaphor so often used by Thom lighthouse can be thought of as a guidepost in life, one operating in the face of personal trials and tribulations.And, whether perceived as coming from a friend advising us on our journey or from the Lord giving guidance to our lives message of the lighthouse is always the same. I am here, it proclaimsnd you are not alone.We can all take comfort in that simple realization; knowing that even in our darkest hour or most savage life-storm light will always be there, shining forth, to show a way to safe harbor.

In Light of Hope this classic Kinkade theme is reverently brought to life by the Thomas Kinkade Studios and in the greatest tradition of the artist himself.The evening sky is ablaze as the day's last light shines through the ocean's waves and shimmers across the flowered cape that hosts this silent sentinel. From all of us in the Thomas Kinkade Studios, we hope you enjoy Light of Hope!

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