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Thomas Kinkade

Country Christmas Homecoming Publisher's Proof on Paper

Price:  $390
Item#:  92343

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34 x 25.5 in.
Publisher's Proof on Paper
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
The Publisher Proof Paper is a very small edition available at the discretion of the Publisher. Numbered and are designated PP during the numbering process.

There is no happier Christmas tradition than the selection of the family yuletide tree.Growing up, this was a much anticipated and special event for Thom and me and one that often resulted in a small lopsided pine being placed in our home's living room.But, regardless of their symmetry and heightre were no trees that were ever more loved than those my family brought home after having chopped them down with the small hatchet we would use.

In Country Christmas Homecoming we see a family returning from just such an endeavor but with a much larger result.A friendly snowman looks on smiling as a father and daughter drag their new found holiday greenery toward their warm and glowing cottage.The mother is waiting with arms open and ready to help move the beautiful 7 footer into place in the family's front room.All anticipate a night of hanging ornaments and draping tinsel on what will be the centerpiece of all the winter holidays.Thom was known as the unofficial artist of Christmas and this latest masterwork certainly speaks to that legacy in art.Join all of us at the Thomas Kinkade Studios as we enjoy the bounty of the season and hold out hope for a wonderful New Year. God bless you all and thank you for sharing the light.

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