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Collin Bogle

Into the Light - White Tiger Giclee on Paper

Price:  $150
Item#:  34988

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image Size:
14 x 15 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
'Light plays a major role in my work,' states Collin Bogle. 'An abundance of light and shadows creates a playground for me, and allows a painting to take on a life of its own.' The artist's paintings are not limited to any one subject or medium and demonstrate great flexibility and technical versatility. Bogle uses pastels, colored pencils, watercolor and acrylics, whatever it takes to create the superbly-lighted, realistic and almost photographic art, prints and posters that have gained him an impressive reputation and following. Into the Light is yet another example of Bogle's mastery of capturing light and shadows in his work.

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    Collin Bogle

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