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Robert Taylor

Calm Before The Storm Artist's Proof on Paper

Price:  $495
Item#:  79516

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image Size:
33 x 22.25 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Dawn had broken to reveal another glorious day in paradise, and on board the USS Arizona and the repair ship USS Vestal alongside, the crew were taking it easy. All next week they would be hard at work preparing for sea, but today was Sunday, and that meant light duties. But within the hour out of nowhere, Japanese carrier-based aircraft would descend upon the unsuspecting Naval base. As the crews register bright red circles on their wings, the blood froze in their veins. They realized that hell had come to Pearl Harbor!

Signatures May Vary by Edition

The Military Gallery is proud and honored to announce that no less than FIVE crew that were actually aboard the Arizona that fateful day have come together and to sign this special two print edition to commemorate their fallen comrades. Seventy years after the tragic sinking of the Arizona, this is probably the last time that so many of her survivors will be able to join together for such an historic event.

Joining artist Robert Taylor, each copy of The Calm Before the Storm is personally signed by the following Arizona crewmen:

Quartermaster 3c LOUIS CONTER USN
Lieutenant Commander JOSEPH LANGDELL USNR
Chief Warrant Officer EDWARD WENTZLAFF USN (companion print)

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