Lost and Found - Jesus
Price: $379.95
Item#: 10415
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21.25 x 16 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Lost and Found by Greg Olsen
I recently received an e-mail from a young man who expressed his discouragement at not being able to find many images of the Savior with teenagers. He noted that he had seen many paintings depicting Christ with loveable little children, but rarely had he found his age group represented in such a setting. This young man closed his message with these heartfelt words: 'What about us?' Many of us have probably asked a similar question. What about me? Who doesn't love little children with all their precious innocence and charm? But what about those of us that may not feel as lovable; those of us who may have struggled and lost our way, or who have wandered paths that have left us worn and doubting our worth? Thankfully, Christ's love carries no conditions and is extended in full measure, especially to those who feel lost and forgotten.
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