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Anthony Saunders

Breach Remarque Edition

Price:  $450
Item#:  81284

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image Size:
31.5 x 15.75 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The M hne Dam: 17 May 1943, 00.49 hrs - Guy Gibson engages enemy flak positions whilst Lancaster AJ-J, with pilot David Maltby at the controls, banks steeply away after delivering the coup-de-grace. A huge explosion and towering pillar of water marks the breach where a vast torrent begins to flood the valley below.

Signatures May Vary by Edition

Along with the artist, each print has been signed by a veteran who flew on the Dambusters mission:

He served as Bomb Aimer on American Joe McCarthyÆs Lancaster AJ-T, but as they were using a reserve aircraft, George did not have the benefit of the twin Aldis spotlights for accurate height keeping. So on their tenth pass George released his bomb, scoring a direct hit u but the earth dam survived the blast.

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    Anthony Saunders

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