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Kyle Sims

Full Throttle - Buffalo Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $795
Item#:  31975

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36 x 24 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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14 - 21 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Kyle Simm's first release, Full Throttle gives the viewer an up-close encounter with the mighty bison as they stampede. The monarchs of the plains come alive as they kick up dust. The magnificent animal appears to thunder off the image.

'I imagine someone, somewhere in the annals of history, has witnessed this scene first-hand; however, they certainly weren't likely to survive it and wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it. But I wanted to relay to you, the viewer, what that someone might have felt. I was able to get a glimpse of it at an annual bison round-up here in Montana. I took some artistic liberties with added dust and arranging the bison as I saw fit for a strong composition, but this is basically what I was able to see from the safety of a ramp, atop the corrals and chutes into which the bison are herded.'
- Kyle Sims

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