High Creek Crossing - Bison Light in the Wilderness Portfolio
Price: $52.49
Item#: 1960
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13 x 5 in.
Limited Edition
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about this piece
This is High Creek Crossing, the third print from A Light in the Wilderness by Stephen Lyman. US ART named Stephen Lyman one of the most popular artists in the country for 1998. There are 15 collector prints or (MINI prints) and 5 photographs in each A Light in the Wilderness portfolio which comprises his best work. The prints from the portfolio are smaller than the limited editions but have the same high quality printing and color of the larger prints. These prints are NOT cut out of a book. They are not signed or numbered but there are only 2250 A Light in the Wilderness portfolios, so they are limited to 2250 of each image. These are very collectable and valuable prints. This collector print is the next best thing to the larger limited edition.
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Prints.com is an authorized Stephen Lyman
dealer. All Stephen Lyman
prints and products are printed, manufactured and distributed by the artist's authorized publisher. All images are copyrighted by Stephen Lyman
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