Snowy Reflections
Price: $36
Item#: 2153
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9.75 x 13.875 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Also called the heron with golden slippers because of its yellow feet, the snowy egret is more readily noticed for its gorgeous aigrettes, delicate, whispery sprays of feathers on its head, neck and back. At the turn of the century the bird's numbers were drastically reduced by hunters who sold the aigrettes to makers of fashionable hats. When there were only about 100 egrets left, wildlife societies fought for laws and hired game wardens to protect them. Today, snowy egrets have made a spectacular comeback, numbering in the thousands once more.
There are at least three different kinds of herons commonly confused with the snowy egret and even with extensive wilderness experience, it is difficult to determine the respective species.
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