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Bob Byerley

Up and Over

Price:  $75
Item#:  103

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image Size:
23 x 19 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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24 hours plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
'I was a child before the age of TV, and therefore a large amount of my time was devoted to building wonderful things such as miniature golf courses, club houses and an array of scooters, go carts and other vehicles. Parts for these machines were scavenged from local dumps, basements and garages. The most exciting part of these adventures was the initial test run; usually done on the highest neighborhood hill. In the painting Up And Over I've tried to capture the thrill of anticipation as the home made racer tops Murphy's Hill for the first time. Remembering back to my lack of daring I have pictured myself as the cart pusher and my two younger cousins as the test pilots.'
- Bob Byerley

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