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Benson B Moore

Southbound Geese Offset Lithograph

Price:  $94.99
Item#:  51493679

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10 x 13 in.
7 x 6 in.
Offset Lithograph
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11 - 13 days plus transit time
USPS Priority
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
This image is a reproduction of an etching by the artist Benson Bond Moore (American, 1882-1974). Moore was a landscape and animal-portrait painter, and etcher, born in Washington DC. He became a noted painter of scenes of nature, and his style early in his career showed the Barbizon School influence but later became more Impressionist and less Tonalist. His snow scenes were especially popular. Moore belonged to more than forty arts organizations. He was a founding member of The Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington D.C., which held its inaugural exhibition in 1931 at the Corcoran. He had many one-man shows, notably in 1928 at the Corcoran Gallery with his etchings, drypoints, and lithographs. Already in childhood he sketched animals, often at the National Zoo, and in later years he did over 3700 illustrations of animals in the newspaper, "The Evening Star's" series entitled "Nature's Children." He also did numerous paintings for the Smithsonian that were reproduced in their "Scientific Series."
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