Study For One Of The Two Apostles Lithograph Edition of 125
Price: $66.99
Item#: 51495284
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9.75 x 15.75 in.
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about this piece
Drawings by Italian Masters of the XV-XVIII Centuries. From a selection of 40 reproductions of the originals preserved in the Albertina Collection in Vienna. With an introduction and descriptive text by Joseph Meder, Late Director of the Albertina and edited in English Campbell Dodgson, M.A, C.B.E, Kepper of prints and drawings at the Britich Museum.Published in London by BT Batsford Ltd, 94, High Holborn in 1930.The edition for the British Empire and the United States of America is limited to 125 copies.All rights of this work are the property of Anton Schroll & Co who are publishers of the German Edition. Printed in Austria.Plate #21 "Study for One of the Two Apostles" who veil their faces from the blaze of light, in "The Assumption of the Virgin" on the cupola of the Cathedral at Parma. As carried out, the fresco shows variations and the position is reversed. At the top of the drawing the right arm is drawn a second time.The original was done in red chalk. The contour shows traces of being indented with a stylus.
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