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Steve Johnston

James  Heligan

Steve Johnston

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Steve Johnston Biography:
Steve Johnston grew up in Dumfries, Scotland and attended art school. During his second year at Carlisle College, he opted for a change in medium, preferring photography to painting. He found black & white formats extremely inspiring and exciting to work with, seeing himself as an artist but utilizing a camera rather than paint for his art, prints and posters. Upon leaving college he moved to London where he did freelance work for teen magazines, which led to work for Vogue in 1977. His work was included in the 'Pink Punk Book' published in 1978, the style of photo launching the first issue of i-D magazine in 1980, where he worked for the following few years. In 1991, when photography no longer became inspirational for him, he started painting seriously again, concentrating once again on the medium that he had originally embraced.  >>click here for more