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Tony Eubanks

Kasia Bruniany

Tony Eubanks

Art Gallery
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Tony Eubanks Biography:
Tony Eubanks has been interested in art since he was three years old and watched his uncle and cousin draw war planes. Even though his dad was a test pilot, it wasn't the planes that really fascinated Eubanks, it was drawing art, prints and posters. As a child, he always looked at life with an artist's eye. He once told a writer for Art of the West. "Everything around me held potential. I drew anything I could think of, from sports figures to pictures of battle scenes, from movies and neighborhood houses to portraits of people. I found something new to draw around every corner.' By the time he was seven, his mother had given him his first set of oil paints.  >>click here for more
Tony Eubanks Borrowed Mare - Horses

Tony Eubanks

Borrowed Mare - Horses

image: 26.25 x 17.5 in.

Signed by the Artist
Limited Edition of 600
Tony Eubanks Westcliffe Feeds - Barn

Tony Eubanks

Westcliffe Feeds - Barn

Artist's Proof on Paper

image: 17.75 x 24 in.

Signed by the Artist
Limited Edition of 48
Tony Eubanks Westcliffe Feeds - Country Store

Tony Eubanks

Westcliffe Feeds - Countr...

image: 17.75 x 24 in.

Signed by the Artist
Limited Edition of 600