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John William Waterhouse

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John William Waterhouse Biography:
John William Waterhouse (1849-1917), affectionately known as Nino in his younger days, was born in Rome on the 6th of April, 1849. Both of his parents were English painters who moved to Italy in pursuit of creating art, prints and posters. Waterhouse and his parents eventually moved back to England some time in the late 1850's. While growing up, Waterhouse assisted his father in art studio where the young Waterhouse developed his talents for sculpting and painting. In England, after several attempts at admission to the Royal Academy, he finally succeeded entrance in 1870. In 1885, Waterhouse became an Associate of the Royal Academy, and then a full member, Royal Academician, in 1895.  >>click here for more
John William Waterhouse Ophelia

John William Waterhouse



image: 12 x 22 in.
paper: 16 x 26 in.

Limited Edition of 1880