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Geoff Hunt

James  Heligan

Geoff Hunt

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Geoff Hunt Biography:
Easily referred to as the storyteller of the Seas, Geoff Hunt is best known for his stunning and magestic depictions of historical life at sea. From the fascinating ship architecture of this captivating era to breathtaking seascapes of the great seas of the world, in each of his incredible works Geoff Hunt captures the awe-inspiring beauty of the sea in its mythical forms—an era of long ago that is seemingly pulls at all men.

Arguably the one finest artist's seafaring history that has ever lived, Geoff Hunts beautiful art, prints and posters have a way of displaying a depth of emotion that is virtually indescribable. Each extraordinary Geoff Hint painting gets straight to heart of the nautical era. Hunt's remarkably clear palette and exceptional attention to detail record events and history as they actually were, and with meticulous accuracy. You can almost taste the sea salt and hear the sails rustling in the ocean breeze.  >>click here for more