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David Garibaldi

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David Garibaldi Biography:
Born in Los Angeles in 1982, David Garibaldi began creating at a young age. After relocating and growing up in Sacramento, it was not until high school, after walking away from a life of graffiti in the streets, that he turned his influences of hip hop culture into a positive direction. Unfortunately by then, it was too late to make up lost time in school, and he could not graduate. A season of hard times to come could not shake the drive of this young artist from pursuing his dreams.

In 2003, David Garibaldi began to turn his illustrations on paper into paintings on canvas. Garibaldi would paint live at urban jazz sessions, nightclubs, and hip hop events for direct influence by the music, and he began to create a buzz about his work along the way. In addition to David Garibaldi's urban jazz influenced paintings, he naturally created a live performance art show called Rhythm and Hue.  >>click here for more