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Dale Gallon

Megata Morikaga

Dale Gallon

Art Gallery
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Dale Gallon Biography:
Dale Gallon lives and works in Gettysburg, the site of the pivotal battle of the war, but is a native of Southern California. He began his interest in art and military history at a young age. He graduated from the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles where he earned a scholarship from Hallmark Cards. There, he provided illustration for McDonnell Douglas, Mattel, and taught art at the University of California Long Beach. In 1980 Dale released his first limited edition Civil War art print. During this period the Civil War genre of art, prints and posters that is so widely recognized today was in its infancy. Dale blazed a path for other artists to follow, setting high standards long the way. His love of the battle of Gettysburg drew him, his wife Anne, and their three sons to the East Coast in 1984. After moving to Gettysburg, Dale remarked, "I live within a mile of where Gen. Robert E. Lee led the Army of Northern Virginia into the battle of Gettysburg. The battlefield is my office. I don't need much more inspiration. I suspect people who collect my paintings feel that on the canvas.'  >>click here for more