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Bob Wygant

Zaira Zarotti

Bob Wygant

Artist Biography

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Bob Wygant

Bob Wygant holds a special place in Texas and the Western heritage he has painted throughout his career. A quiet man of immense talent, his art, prints and posters come from his heart as much as from his brush. Breathtaking in his detailed and realistic approach, his images make time stand still...creating memories that offer the viewer a glimpse into a rich past that is relived through the artist's paintings.

After majoring in art at the University of Texas in Austin, he returned home to Houston to establish his career. Wygant's first success was in commissions by some of the major oil companies in Texas. For several years, the artist worked quietly at home painting for his many clients. His art, prints and posters are in hundreds of homes throughout Texas and are treasured by every owner.

Bob Wygant's magical use of acrylics earned him a reputation as a master of this medium. His art, prints and posters are vibrant, colorful scenes that allow the viewer to participate in the mood and emotion emanating from his subjects. He has always been driven to relay his love of the Western landscape and the many memories of the quiet, rural life through his paint brush.

Bob Wygant Art, Prints and Posters Collection