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Megata Morikaga

Andy Goralski

Artist Biography

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Andy Goralski

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Andy developed an interest in art at an early age. While his first subjects were landscapes and wildlife, he has always been an energetic sports fan and soon turned his attention to painting art, prints and posters of sporting events and sports figures. A "self-taught' artist, he has dedicated himself to his craft, spending hours reading, studying and discussing his vocation with other artists. Andy's trademark ability to paint lifelike portraits has brought him to prominence in recent years, and his originals hang in the homes of many top athletes around the country.

Although adept in both oils and acrylics, Andy prefers to work in pastels, a trait that also sets him apart since many artists shy away from this often difficult to use medium. Each work is done one layer at a time. Andy begins by sanding a heavy-weight museum-quality paper until he achieves the proper "tooth.” He then meticulously layers pigments to achieve the desired effect. His unique layered style allows his works to take on a three dimensional quality that sets his art, prints and posters apart from the works of most other sports-oriented artists.

In recent years much of Andy's art, prints and posters have been so well accepted by collectors that several editions have been sold out — both at the wholesale and retail level. Some prints are difficult to find and may be priced today well above their original issue price.

Andy Goralski Art, Prints and Posters Collection