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John Zaccheo

Zaira Zarotti

John Zaccheo

Art Gallery
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John Zaccheo Biography:
John Zaccheo is one of the world's most renowned impressionists. His professional accomplishments include being selected to create the official painting for the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt as well as making the official painting of the original landing on the Moon, which was presented to astronaut, Neil Armstrong. Italian heritage and love for Italian scenery come to life in his inspirational art, prints and posters. Zaccheo finds the inspiration for his works in the memories of the Mediterranean villages he has come to love. Few will ever experience the world as Zaccheo has, unless they step into his paintings and make believe.  >>click here for more
John Zaccheo Bicycle Path

John Zaccheo

Bicycle Path


image: 28 x 22 in.
paper: 28 x 22 in.

Open Edition