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Richard Judson Zolan

Zaira Zarotti

Richard Judson Zolan

Artist Biography

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Richard Judson Zolan

Richard Judson Zolan, who has long been adherent to the principles of European and American impressionism, has established himself as one of America's most exceptional painters of art, prints and posters. Chicago born Zolan graduated from the prestigious Art Institute of Chicago and later studied at the famed Art Students League in New York City. He quickly became the prized pupil of Louis Rittman, an instructor at the academy. Rittman, a personal friend and student of Monet for over twenty years. He taught Zolan the fundamental techniques and style of Impressionism.

Richard Judson Zolan became an artist for the love of creating and the recognition his art has developed stems purely from talent. The most pervasive quality of his art, prints and posters is the extraordinary synergy he achieves in bringing to his canvas a triumphant marriage of modern art with its Renaissance ancestry. He is energetic, prolific and enthusiastic about his creativity. He pursues his art with precision, efficiency, love and optimism.

Exhibiting internationally, Richard Judson Zolan lives as he paints, with verve, vigor and creativity. He is what America is all about: a new idea built upon an old tradition. It is rare to encounter an artist such as Zolan whose life and career incorporate a melding of the phenomena of his style. His romantic art, prints and posters have become a standard for an authentically distinct genre, American Impressionism.

Richard Judson Zolan Art, Prints and Posters Collection