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Kim Norlien

Richard Thorn

Kim Norlien

Artist Biography

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Kim Norlien

Breathtaking realism, uncompromising authenticity, attention to minute detail - these are the qualities that set Kim Norlien's paintings apart from the field. His award-winning wildlife scenes invite viewers to peacefully gaze upon wildlife in their natural state. Equally captivating are his nostalgic pieces of art, prints and posters which capture the joy and simplicity of days gone by.

Each Norlien painting is painstakingly researched to ensure that every detail is captured precisely as it would be found in Mother Nature's domain. Painting predominately in acrylics, Mr. Norlien complements his technical detail with skillful interplay of light and shadow to create subtle - yet powerful, vibrant, lifelike and compelling art, prints and posters.

A committed Christian, Kim Norlien believes all of creation is a reflection of God's glory. His artistic passion is to encourage and uplift his art collectors by creating scenes of beauty filled with peace and tranquility. Norlien also hopes to create art, prints and posters of lasting quality by pursuing excellence in composition, color, and rendering. Currently, thirty of his original paintings have been published as print and canvas reproductions, along with many other gift items. It is his hope and prayer that his artwork will continue to be a source of encouragement to others.

Kim Norlien Art, Prints and Posters Collection