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Jim Daly

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Jim Daly

From historical events to everyday incidents, Jim Daly paints Americana. His art, prints and posters are high gloss renderings evocative of rural life, of simpler times. The authenticity of Daly's art, achieved with a time-consuming creative process and painstaking attention to detail, never obscures his primary purpose - an empathy between viewer and subject. Daly says: "There are a number of voices out there telling us what is art and what isn't art, how it should be done or shouldn't be done. For me, art must come straight from the heart."

A native of Oklahoma, Daly studied art at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. His art, prints and posters are represented in permanent collections of museums and historical societies and in many private and corporate collections. Daly has also received numerous awards for his artwork, including the People's Choice Award at the Western Rendezvous of Art. His work was also selected by the Public Communications Foundation for the nationwide PBS release of the six-part series, "The West of the Imagination."

Daly's concern with authenticity is supported by his large studio collection of costumes and artifacts. Whether the piece is sentimental or dramatic, Daly is always sincere in his portrayal of the American land and her people. He says, "I want my art to be exciting, to have drama, intimacy, emotion, feeling and delight, and to always be visually beautiful. By using inspired composition and design concepts and by utilizing the basic principles of contrast, harmony and balance of color, shapes and values, an artist can create a fine work of art no matter what school of art one embraces. These basic principles apply in abstraction, realism or impressionism."

Jim Daly Art, Prints and Posters Collection