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Richard D'Amore

R. Nob

Richard D'Amore

Artist Biography

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Richard D

Spanning a career of more than thirty years, Richard D'Amore's work has a strong, universal appeal that satisfies both the critical connoisseur as well as the collector who seeks a simple aesthetic pleasure. Whether it be his nudes, his landscapes, his architectural photographs or his still-lifes; all of his art, prints and posters share the same thread of superb quality.

A comprehensive exhibition is scheduled for Richard D'Amore in Spring 2006, which will be accompanied by an exhibition catalog with a selection of platinum, cyanotypes, hand tinted and black and white prints of his art, prints and posters.

Richard D'Amore first discovered photography while living in Mill Valley, California. He worked under the tutelage of artist and photographer Walter Chappell. In 1970, D'Amore relocated to France to work and study. A powerful collection of early art, prints and posters were published in 1971. While in Europe he taught photography at Camberwell College of Art in London. Upon returning to the US, D'Amore worked for the celebrated designers, Charles and Ray Eames as their photographer in the Venice Studio.

Richard D'Amore Art, Prints and Posters Collection