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Elizabeth Allyn

Philip Craig

Artist Biography

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Philip Craig

The bold strokes of oil that compose Philip Craig's lush landscapes has become his unmistakable trademark, making his art, prints and posters world-wide collectibles. His work is represented in a large selection of corporate and private collections throughout Canada, the United States, England and Europe. In October of 1991, Philip was pleased to present Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales with an original work entitled "Constance Creek".

Born in Ottawa in 1951, Philip Craig attended Sheridan College in Oakville Ontario as a graphic design student. In 1971, he returned to Ottawa to take up a position with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as a television graphic/set designer and a few years later, won the position of Art Director for C.B.C. in St. John's Newfoundland. Throughout his design career, Philip continued to paint and experiment with the acrylic medium. By 1985, demand for his art, prints and posters had become so great, he was forced to choose between painting full time or remaining with the corporation. He decided to resign, return to Ottawa and pursue his talents in the Fine Arts.

Today, Philip Craig resides in Ottawa with his wife Diane, their three children Jordan, Shannon and Johnathan, and an assortment of ever changing pets. Apart from creating magnificent art, prints and posters, Craig works as an Art Director as well. He has been creating set designs for various television shows and continues to do so with the help of a small staff.

Philip Craig Art, Prints and Posters Collection