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Michael O'Toole

Richard Thorn

Michael O'Toole

Artist Biography

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Michael O

Michael O'Toole was born in North Vancouver, British Columbia in 1963. Michael attended BCIT where he studied architectural design and lived briefly in Toronto working for an architectural firm before making the transition to full-time artist. His art, prints and posters enjoyed immediate recognition - admirers were struck by the artist's sophisticated appreciation of light, texture and color.

In his art, prints and posters, Michael O'Toole works in a wide variety of mediums, including acrylic, watercolour, pen and ink, graphite, airbrush and gouache. Michael also likes to paint a variety of subject matters, ranging from landscape to seascape, marine, architectural and portraiture, all in an impressionistic style. Michael has a vibrant pallet that is warm and intense. He also captures light in a way that illuminates his images from within and creates a wonderful contrast between light and shadow.

For Michael O'Toole, painting has become an "all-consuming passion". He has been exhibiting his art, prints and posters for many years through out B.C. and Alberta and enjoys acclaim from both the public and his peers. His work is highly sought after and is in numerous public and private collections across Canada, the US, Europe and Japan.

Michael O'Toole Art, Prints and Posters Collection