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Helen Downing-Hunter

Megata Morikaga

Helen Downing-Hunter

Artist Biography

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Helen Downing-Hunter

Helen Downing Hunter's father died when she was one month old. Like so many young Canadian men in World War II, he had fallen in love with an equally young English girl and, like so many others, he died at 23 in a land not his own. When the war finally ended, Helen, only 3 at the time, moved with her mother to Fredericton, New Brunswick. Though she has spent the rest of her life in Canada, the spirit and images of her homeland, and her parents' young love, remain very much alive in her art, prints, posters and paintings.

Helen Downing Hunter's art, prints and posters, a gentle mixture of vibrant colours and fine detail, capture the images and feelings of time both remembered and imagined. "What I try to create from memories, photographs and imagination is a sense of coziness. It's a world without complication, a comfortable, inviting world that draws people in. It is a place to relax."

Helen Downing Hunter began painting in her mid 30's when living in the Rocky Mountain region of British Columbia. She was overwhelmed by the visual beauty of what she saw. Though she began in oils, Helen now paints in watercolors and acrylics. Both mediums convey her love of color and attention to detail. Canadian Art Prints has published Helen's work for over 15 years including 35 limited editions and numerous posters and art cards. Helen now lives in Hopkin's Landing on BC's Sunshine Coast, dividing her time between art, gardening, tennis, golf and her family.

Helen Downing-Hunter Art, Prints and Posters Collection