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Jay Hall

Elizabeth Allyn

Jay Hall

Artist Biography

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Jay Hall

Jay B. Hall was born in Springfield, Illinois in 1963. Described by those who know him as a rare combination of left-brain-right-brain, Hall could just as easily have pursued his major at Beloit College and ended up a geologist. Instead, what he calls his wanton Midwestern curiosity about the rest of the country led him to look up from the ground and explore his passions for architecture, politics, biology, music, archaeology, photography and metal in his art, prints and posters.

His ability to synthesize the sciences with the arts and incorporate his diverse passions into visual art has led to a wealth of self-discovery and a fascinating progression of work, including Jay B. Hall's art, prints, posters, mixed-media painting, constructions and whimsical kinetic sculptures.

Jay B. Hall derives his creative energy for his art, prints and posters from experience, whether building houses in the White Mountains of New Hampshire or serving an apprenticeship to the master printer Robert Devoe, there is always something to be used in creation.

Jay Hall Art, Prints and Posters Collection