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Patricia D'Hooge Meras

R. Nob

Patricia D'Hooge Meras

Artist Biography

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Patricia D

A native of Montana, Pat Meras received a BA in Applied Art from Montana State University, Bozeman, which included studies abroad in Italy and Holland. Throughout her extensive career in art, she has worked as an illustrator, curator, gallery chairwoman and art teacher, as well as volunteered with community arts programs and acted as an art docent for the public school system. She has studied extensively on her own and with nationally known artists whose work she admires.

For many years, Meras focused her art on drawing from live models. She later experimented with various printmaking techniques, such as embossing, etching, and monoprinting, which grew into a mixed media style. "Desiring a more painterly approach once again, I found pastel to be a wonderful link between drawing and painting. The pastels' ability to maintain the integrity of individual strokes, combined with the liveliness of its colors, fosters a passionate poetic language.”

"It intrigues me how light elevates a commonplace landscape to an extraordinary one. I strive for my paintings to be a lyrical account of that unique fleeting moment in time. My intent is simply to convey an emotional and intuitive response to the mystery and serenity of the landscape in light and shadow. Hopefully, I compel the viewers to interpret my work from their own rich pool of memories, impressions and experiences, and in a little different way each time they encounter it.”

Patricia D'Hooge Meras Art, Prints and Posters Collection