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Lavarne Ross

Elizabeth Allyn

Lavarne Ross

Artist Biography

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Lavarne Ross

Born and raised in Flint Michigan, Lavarne Ross is a largely self-taught artist. At a young age he drew pictures of the horses on his grandfather's Arkansas farm. Much of his inspiration for his art, prints and posters comes from a desire to capture the changes in both his hometown of Flint and rural Arkansas.

Lavarne Ross' most recognizable art, prints and posters are the pieces in his "Dancer" series, in which he conveys the motion of the dance through the flowing garments of the figures. Ross also shows his appreciation for jazz in works where he gives a visual interpretation of the music.

Lavarne Ross currently resides in Mount Morris, Michigan. Whenever the opportunity lends itself, Lavarne works with and encourages aspiring young artists to appreciate and pursue the gift God has given them. Ross continually works to communicate his heritage and vision through his art, prints and posters.

Lavarne Ross Art, Prints and Posters Collection