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Elizabeth Allyn

Fletcher Sibthorp

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Fletcher Sibthorp

Fletcher Sibthorp was born in Hertfordshire, England in 1967. After completing a Foundation Course at Hertfordshire College of Art, he undertook an Honours Degree in Graphic Design and Illustration at Kingston University, graduating in 1989. Fletcher has worked as a full-time artist for the past ten years, producing art, prints and posters in the commercial market, as well as selling paintings to private and corporate collectors. Rank Xerox, British Telecom, Chase Manhatten Bank, Railtrack and Kirin Brewery are just a few of the companies that own his paintings as part of their collections.

Initially, Fletcher was attracted by the concept of movement and its effect on the human form. This naturally led to his interest in sport and abstract portrayals of gymnasts and athletes, culminating in an exhibition ‘In Motion' in London in 1992. Fletcher was approached by Sadlers Wells in 1995, to produce a painting for the Flamenco dance troupe Paco Pena. The movement and the expressive quality in his art, prints and posters complemented the passion of Flamenco. Fletcher was immediately drawn into the energy of the dance, producing many painting on that theme. Fletcher has recently become more interested in the figure alone, its subtleties and the infinite expressions.

Fletcher says, "I like the idea of the Classical subject, because they are so universally recognizable that only a few simple elements are needed to create the theme. Their simplicity makes them contemporary, but they are influenced by the ancient. I like the juxtaposition.” Recently Fletcher's art, prints and posters has concentrated further on his own personal creative vision. He is passionate about the direction in which his work is heading. "Even though the work, in its content, is becoming simpler, the paintings are harder to resolve, as the underlying expression becomes harder to achieve. Even I don't know how they will develop. They take on their own life, creating their own spirituality.”

Fletcher Sibthorp Art, Prints and Posters Collection