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James Ware Pitts

Thomas Alden

James Ware Pitts

Artist Biography

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James Ware Pitts

James Pitts was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama where he earned a degree in accounting from the University of Alabama. He had an interest in photography at an early age and when he was offered a full scholarship to attend the Memphis Academy of Art to study painting art, prints and posters and photography, he accepted. During a workshop at the Academy, he became intrigued by the platinum printing process and spent almost twenty years developing and perfecting his technique. As a result of these efforts, platinum photography has become his primary medium.

Since moving to New Mexico in 1980, he has accumulated awards from juried shows at the University of New Mexico and the Santa Fe Festival of the Arts as well as regional exhibitions in Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas and Indiana. The John Stevenson Gallery, the Beadleston Gallery in New York and the Photo-eye Gallery in Santa Fe carry his recent art, prints and posters. His prints are sought after by collectors around the world and appear in several museums and numerous private collections.

Pitts works from an emotional and intuitive perspective. He challenges the conventional wisdom that an artist should explore only one avenue throughout his creative life. His art, prints and posters range from anthropological documentary studies to formal pictorial traditionalism.

James Ware Pitts Art, Prints and Posters Collection