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Jerry Driendl

Anne Rushout

Jerry Driendl

Artist Biography

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Jerry Driendl

Jerry Driendl is dedicated to capturing the world in a way in which few would ever get to see. His desire has taken him on a fantastic journey across the globe. Along the way, he has hiked, paddled, rollerbladed and hovered to the best locations for art, prints and posters. He has made contacts at some of the best hotels and businesses in order to shoot from their prime locations. For other shots, he has found himself on the upper levels of parking garages, on hospital rooftops as well as in war zoned apartment high-rises!

Not only does Jerry find the most interesting angles, he does whatever he needs to capture the image in its finest moment for his art, prints and posters. This has meant 21 consecutive days of waiting for the right elements to compose the shot, camping overnight at sights for double exposing and constantly returnin to specific places year after year.

Jerry Driendl has been a stock photographer for over 10 years. He is one of the top 40 photographers at Getty Images, the worlds leading stock agency. He is also represented by National Geographics Society, and Panoramic Images. His art, prints and posters can be seen in countless magazines, on television, in major motion pictures.

Jerry Driendl Art, Prints and Posters Collection