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Steve Bloom

Elizabeth Allyn

Steve Bloom

Artist Biography

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Steve Bloom

Steve Bloom is well known throughout the world for his evocative images of wildlife, which has landed him success in his art, prints and posters. He combines knowledge, skill, artistry, tenacity and considerable energy to produce powerful images of the natural world.

Born in South Africa, Steve moved to England in 1977 where he worked for many years in the graphics industry. In the early nineties he changed career to adopt the precarious life of a professional nature photographer. Such a lifestyle needs uncompromising passion and commitment. His images are widely published, and he has won awards, gaining international recognition for his art, prints and posters.

Steve Bloom's concern for the environment is strongly evident in his art, prints and posters. In Untamed, he writes: "I am humbled by the opportunities I have had to witness the diversity of life in so many places, and I hope to share such experiences. Photography is the means by which I strive to engender in others a feeling of unity with the natural world. There remains the ongoing challenge to portray life in all its manifestations, and create images that reveal the very essence of what it is to be a living being."

Steve Bloom Art, Prints and Posters Collection