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Wolf Kahn

James  Heligan

Wolf Kahn

Artist Biography

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Wolf Kahn

Born in Stuttgart in 1927, Wolf Kahn fled Germany at age 12 and moved to the United States in 1940. After attending the High School of Music and Art in New York City, he continued his studies at the Hans Hofmann School, becoming Hofmann's studio assistant. His native tongue was often an advantage in Hofmann's classroom, as he frequently translated the teachers' signature mix of German and English for his fellow students. After over two years of training under Hofmann, Kahn later relocated to Chicago where he received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Chicago, continuing to work on his art, prints and posters.

Influenced by Hofmann's practice of using nature as the starting point for a painting, Wolf Kahn's work encompasses both pictorial landscape and painterly abstraction. Converging color and light to create atmospheric and sensual pictorial fields, his paintings evoke the ethereal world of nature even when they are non-representational. Although they are a departure in temperament from Hofmann's explosive compositions, Kahn's paintings incorporate many of Hofmann's principles of chromatic tension and movement. Often juxtaposing saturated magentas, pinks and oranges with cool, muted pastels, Kahn achieves a balance in his art, prints and posters that transports the viewer into his tranquil world.

Wolf Kahn has received honors such as the Fulbright Scholarship, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, and an Award in Art from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His works are in the permanent collections of major museums, including the National Museum of American Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and his prints and posters are well-known. He recently returned to Germany for the first time since his childhood for an exhibition of his pastels at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg.

Wolf Kahn Art, Prints and Posters Collection