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Gregory Garrett

Megata Morikaga

Gregory Garrett

Artist Biography

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Gregory Garrett

Gregory Garrett had no choice but to be an artist - from an early age, light and darkness fascinated him. His earliest childhood memory found him sitting by himself, watching the sunlight stream through the Venetian blinds as the dust particles danced on the rays of light. "I lost and found myself as I watched the light stream into my parents' living room. Somehow, I knew what I was experiencing was truth.' This particular moment was pivotal in his development as an artist for years to come.

During his formative years, Garrett concentrated on the master works of great painters, ranging from Caravaggio to Picasso. His infatuation with art led him to understand that art is an essential factor in being human beings and that history is crucial for the development of art. "Art is not created in a vacuum. It must have history to live. Art should be a reflection of the artist's past, present and future.”

Gregory Garrett Art, Prints and Posters Collection